The March 2024 update is a significant upgrade, introducing major improvements to the Expert Form Analysis Module and IVR module. It also marks the debut of automated model execution and comprehensive model management across the entire platform.


  • Form (All Form Guides) *NEW*
    • Black Book – Notification Icon now appears in all form guides when a horse/runner/combo/trainer is in black book. Hover mouse over to display full comment.
      • HB = Horse Black Book, RB = Rider, TB=Trainer, CB= Combo
      • MC = Master Horse Comment that always stays with horse.
    • Horse Master Comment: Right Click on horse in pricing table to add or edit a master comment for that horse.
  • Form (EX/IVR) –
    • Bonuses can now be disabled via the Expert/IVR settings paged for all races.
    • Bonuses can now be all cleared in Expert/IVR mode by right click, clear all.
  • IVR Matrix (IVR) – *Added/Major-Enhancement *
    • IVR Matrix now available in form guide for upcoming race (MX) Button
    • Enhanced functionality allowing user to click and adjust historical matrix value dynamically.
    • Personal Matrix adjusted value can be added to pricing column by double click.
  • Form – (IVR) – *All IVR Form Guides*
    • Class/Full race details added to top of every form display.
    • Right Click function added to pricing table to hide/display certain columns.
    • Matrix Accessible and double click adjustment from BRL (Best Run Line) Button**


  • Automated Batch Mode – *Added/Major-Enhancement* *NEW*
    • Ability to save models in upcoming mode and automate via the “BATCH” button on the main screen of the software.
    • Runs multiple models and stores them in a table, for backwards analysis and upcoming display of all models.
    • Setting In Expert Mode: Keep runner from auto batch that drop out of models due to filters ranges.
    • Output Management: Function within Analysis mode allows user to manually remove selections from auto batch output table.
  • Model Management- *Added/Major-Enhancement*
    • The system now scans the model folder, and can be managed via the front-end software, by adding descriptions and deleting them.
    • This sectional also allows the deletion of automated batch models.
  • (IVR) – Fixed Display 2nd, 3rd last start IVR figures.
  • (ALL) System Supplier Models – *Added/Major-Enhancement*
    • New layout for system managed models when first entering Analysis. All RAPRO pre-built models and add-don model packages will be displayed in this location, with an easy to manage scroll bar and list.
  • (ALL) – All adjustments
    • 9am% to Close – now allows between filters function.
  • (ALL) – Key variables added. *Added/Major-Enhancement* *NEW*
    • Automation Group
      • Batch Model Name, Last run time/date, model count (Aggregation)
    • Meeting class added to Race level.
    • Upcoming Mode Only: Statistics for Riders, Trainers, Combo, Horse
      • Pricing Win Strike rates for pricing groups
      • When favorites, Spring, Middle, Distance Races
      • Position in runs Groups.
      • Metro, Country, Provincial
    • Last Start
      • Prize Money, Up, Down, Equal
    • Q-Rating Splits
      • Initial first release in Analyzer only, Splits vs Historical Class Average figures.
    • Trial Information Last Start
      • 1s, 2nd, 3rd last start trial.
      • Days Since Last Trial, was start a trial (Y/N)
      • Initial release of last start Trial ratings.
    • Rider Snapshot historical Data Points (Data starting from 28/2/2024)
      • Last 15/25/50/100, Current/Previous season & Fav Strike rates
      • Number of outs since last place/win
    • Trainer Snapshot historical Data Points (Data starting from 28/2/2024)
      • Last 15/25/50/100, Current/Previous season & Fav Strike rates
      • Number of outs since last place/win


  • (EXP/IVR) – Ability to add a Master Comment to a horse, which will stay with that horse its entire life.
    • This value/text will be used to display next to the form and search display of a horse.
    • MC = In Form Guides displays the horse has a master comment, hover mouse over for further detail.
  • (EXP) – (*NEW*) – Split Ratings vs Q Split Rating Phase 1 – Active from 18//1/2024 onwards.
    • Splits that run above Q-Split Rating (Class Average) for that race will display in Yellow and have a plus (+) sign. Splits run below Class Average will display a negative (-) sign. If on par, then no sign.
    • Phase 1 – Still in development work and further enhancements, adjustments to come.
  • (IVR) – Add horse to black book from IVR Review mode.


  • (ALL) *NEW* – Master Comment Horse Management Screen added.
    • Allows users to manage/delete and update horses where master global commentary has been added.


  • (EX/IVR/SF) – Backup Function: Enhanced, can now save to any location (external HDD, Cloud Drive). The system will remember the last saved location and always back-up there automatically. Models are now also included in the backup process.
  • (EX/IVR/SF) – Additional Tabs Added: To manage pricing, reports, and system wide functionality. Users can now disable the pricing module, disable bonuses, and hide various columns that may not want to be visible to the end users.


  • Fixed (EX) – Past run splits in search now show on last start when available.
  • Fixed (EX) – ‘OFF-MID’ not displayed correctly in past run line reports.
  • Fixed (EX/IVR/SF) – Further adjustment to Pakenham “Chute” wording in race name.
  • Fixed (EX) – Barrier in review issue sometimes not aligning the form after scratching’s.
  • Fixed (EX) – Display issue with Staking box on small PC screen.
  • Fixed (EX) – Scroll settings in expert form settings, not displaying option on small PC.
  • Fixed (IVR) – Issue with Race review crashing after reviewing more than ten races.
  • Fixed (EX/IVR/SF) – Variables for hose name without apostrophes not working.
  • Fixed (EX/IVR/SF) – Duplicate line in Bookkeeping when horse added from two pricing profiles.
  • Fixed (EX/IVR/SF) – Betfair POT% & P/L for Place Lay betting was not including the initial stake therefore loss displaying as more than it should be.
  • Fixed (IVR) – Users with IVR review historical data pre-2020 not displaying correctly (Contact Support for Further info)
  • Fixed (IVR) – Matrix back-end filter adjusted to only factor in races, and exclude trials, jumps.
  • Function (ALL) – System now automatically disables and exit’s if user has outstanding payment balance.